Air conditioning can be generated in many different ways, one of which is through a whole house fan. The whole house cooling system can be one of the most important features of your house during the summer because of the comfort air flow affords you when the temperatures increase to unbearable levels. Whole house fans give residents the ability to cool their entire home through air conditioning models that vary from house to house; there are many different WHF models, many of which operate with a high level of efficiency and which ventilate houses effectively.


The process of generating air conditioning is seemingly simple while, in reality, it is actually very complex. Whole house fan manufacturers must take into account several different aspects, including:

  • Filtering out indoor air pollutants
  • The size of the buildings or houses that their product will be installed in
  • And the design and efficiency of the model and the type of exhaust that the fan will create

A home’s indoor air quality is an important thing to consider when manufacturing a whole house fan because the residents will breathe in this air on a daily basis; many lawsuits have materialized as a result of faulty manufacturing of these fans.

Another thing that whole house fans should have is the ability to be quiet. Cool fans are oftentimes very loud because of the amount of machinery and energy required to generate air conditioning, so whole house fans with the ability to maintain a certain level of quietness are a plus. A gable attic fan can be one of the quietest fans that you install – they are usually in attics because although they are quiet they do still create a certain level of noise. These fans are exclusive to certain types of buildings, mainly those with attics. The filtration that they provide enables residents of the buildings that they are in to maintain better health because of the lack of indoor air pollutants that are around as a result of the gable attic fan. Energy saver characteristics also abound with some whole house fans when houses have smaller rooms; smaller rooms are less expensive to cool and are cooled more efficiently than larger rooms.

Whole house fans give users the ability to cool themselves off during the hot months of the year and are oftentimes very affordable. They offer relief from indoor air pollutants and, although some fans are exclusive to specific types of buildings, most buildings are able to house at least one type of air conditioning system. The design of fans causes cool, clean air to flow throughout buildings and give the inhabitants of those buildings a break from hot weather. This can be great for the health and well-being of many people, especially those with medical conditions and those that are growing older and that can’t deal with the high temperatures. Additionally, such fans are affordable for most people and can be better than standing fans.